Hello I'm

Maurits Bleeker

I am a Research Scientist at Emmi.AI, led by Johannes Brandstetter, working on AI4Simulation. I obtained my PhD from the IRLab, University of Amsterdam. During my PhD I worked on multi-modal representation learning and sequence modelling, with the focus on image-text and automatic speech recognition. I was advised by Maarten de Rijke and Andrew Yates.

I obtained my MSc in Artificial Intelligence , 8.2/10 GPA, from the University of Amsterdam in July 2018. With a focus on machine learning, deep learning, computer vision and information retrieval. In July 2015 I obtained a BSc in Artificial Intelligence, with distinction and a 8.3/10 GPA, from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

As a student I worked part-time as a (web) developer at Code Orange/Nubis Digital Agency. Besides that, I interned at Media Distillery in 2017/2018

In 2021/2022, I hosted and organized the the monthly SEA: Search Engines Amsterdam meetup series. I organized talks around implementations of information retrieval, in search engines, in recommender systems, or in conversational assistants. In 2022/2023, I co-organized the annual Machine Learning Reproducibility Challenge ( 2022 ).

In 2022, I joined Apple AI/ML as a research intern to work with Pawel Swietojanski on contextual speech recognition. Fall 2023, I joined Amazon Science as a research intern to work on language modelling for speech recognition.